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icequeen's Blog



Filed under: Posts — icequeen @ 10:24:26 am

Well its Astros fever here in Houston!! Our team won the National Championships and are now going on to the World Series - I will be at the last 3 games assuming that we need 3 last games to win GOOOOOO ASTROS!!!
I know that as they head to Chicago to play the White Sox that we will emerge winners.

So anyways I went to a friend of mines house for a barbe Q yesterday... What is the deal with weiners - that has to be the most phallic food outside of mussels and mussels are natural. Who invented weiners, and why are they pink? So my friend was barbeqing the weiners and he saked the girls what colour weiner they wanted , burnt/black pink, brown, then he asked what size and then do you want on it... it was sick. Then he goes you cant have weiners without buns. THat was sick, needless to say I had fruit, no not bananas. I mean yea I eat hotdogs but shit not after you sit there and brainwash me into thinking that weiners are like dicks. I dont eat dick. Anyways whats it with guys? They can be so immature sometimes heheh I did mention that the weiners looks more impressive than most of the "meat" hanging around. Which led to a great expose' of unimpressionable meat... all of a sudden the weiners look better.



Filed under: Posts — icequeen @ 08:52:33 pm

Well I have returned home from romantic Galveston - I said farewell to a wonderful guy who told me that whenever I'm in Galveston I should stay at his loft .. Im free next week just jk. Well I love Houston. I went to my backyard this evenning to play with the dumb dog who was starving for attention and wanted to play fetch with a tennis ball (go figure)
After about 5 tosses I got carpal syndrome and then bored but I found I was attacked by a million mosquitoes -whats up with that? I ran inside with the dog as I didnt want her to catch heart worm although she on heartworm protection. I am also on heart worm protection as I wont allow anyone to worm their way into my heart.
But I missed the bitch. I missed her fucking rushing me to the door when the doorbell rings, I dont miss her chewing my shoes -
I turned on the news to see what Americas famous red neck Geroge Dubba you was up to and then here I am -
I want to Spring clean (even though) its Fall.. I kinda wanted to decorate my house for Halloween but I wont be home. Im nore of a Christmas GAl!! I go all the way on that and buy presents for people I dont even know including the homeless or people that look homeless but then I find out they're just grunge kids skateboarding but they keep the present anyways. Do you like christmas?



Filed under: Posts — icequeen @ 12:05:21 am

There are 2 sides to being single, the good and the bad. It's Saturday night and I could either call up my friends and go party or I could just chill at home, finish some unfinished projects and watch a movie...either ways theres noone to tell you one way or the other. I like that aspect of being single - you just pick up and do it whereas if you were dating you'd give the all so familiar call on the phone to that someone special letting them know that you were going out. On the flip side, it'll be nice to have someone to cuddle up and watch a movie with, someone to laugh at when they tear up at the end of the Jet Le movie instead of you taking in that deep sigh and then looking around.

Also I like cooking - I am a really good cook and I dont mean macaroni casserole whatever the hell that is, I'm talking about an array of mediteranian, polynesian, asian and American food. It'll be nice to cook to impress one than throwing a party for like 15 like my last cooking expedition.

Well tonight Ill stay in. I'm miles away from home and having an unbelievable time but I am realizing that I need time for myself. I need to figure me out, find out what I'm about. I have been devoid of inspiration half way through a novel and a collection of poetry. I'm uninspired because... I don't know where I stand with me anymore. Men can do that to you, not intentionally but I guess half the time you do it to yourself.

Well, the beach is beautiful.. There is a million stars and every so often one would crash and disintegrate before it hits the earth. The ocean is partially invisible, except for the white foam capping the waves. I love the ocean and I fear it. I find the things that I love are usually the things that I fear. Maybe I need to quit being so afraid. What are you afraid of?

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